Sunday, September 28, 2008

Tomas J. Collazo, Murderer of Clay Randall Pardee, MUST PAY!

Tomas J. Callazo shot and murdered Clay Randall Pardee in cold blood. Clay was provoked to anger by Callazo because he was harassing him while he was minding his own business, eating pizza in his truck. Callazo, according to Clays longtime girlfriend Maggie, repeatedly circled the truck giving them both the "stink eye", would walk off. then return to "vibe" them some more.

Clay finally provoked to the point of anger, got out of his truck and confronted his antagonist. Callazo, a pipsqueak of 123lbs, got scared, and in a stupid, thoughtless, cowardly act,drew his gun, finger on the trigger, and pointed it at Clay. What a macho manly specimen. What a chicken shit. He should of apologized for being such an asshole, put his tail between his legs, walk the other way and go earn his minimum wage and pick up trash in the parking lot.

His macho, pigheaded, Mexican pride wouldn't allow him to do it. I guarantee you, that if he didn't have a gun, he would have slunk away like the spineless worm that he was. If your gonna antagonize someone bigger than you, you better be prepared to get your ass kicked, and he would of deserved it. So what, An ass kicking. He said he feared for his life. Why? He might of (maybe, or maybe not) gotten smacked up side the head. Big deal. How could he have jumped to the conclusion that Clay was going to kill him? What a coward.

It's no wonder he had to carry a gun. My wife could a kicked his ass, and probably even my fourteen year old daughter.

He says he doesn't remember firing the gun. Fucking liar! I guarantee you, based on my experience of living life for fifty years, that everyone of us when faced with a situation where your about to commit a grievous, irreversible act, you consider and weigh the consequences before you commit to the action. I don't care what's going on around you cause in these situations, time slows down to give you the chance to decide. When he pulled the trigger, he made a conscious moral decision to take Clays life. He knew exactly what he was doing.

He put his stubborn pride before a human beings life and chose his pride.

And what's this about no witnesses? Didn't he say that he back into a moving U-haul truck when his gun "accidentally" discharged? So who and where was the driver of this truck? A ghost?

My God!

What if everyone of us whipped out a gun shot and murdered someone we stupidly provoked to anger, who was bigger than us.

I think I should start carrying a gun so I could get away with being a jerk, pick on guys bigger than me and then just kill them after wards, before they kick my ass. Oh ya, I mustn't forget to go to the store first and buy a uniform. That will really help insure that I can operate above the moral laws of society.

Tomas J. Callazo must be brought to trial. If he's not guilty, whats to loose? Let a jury decide his innocence or guilt. Clays family and Encinitas as a community deserve a day in court.

Monday, September 22, 2008

North County Times Story on Clay Pardee Shooting

The North County Times Story on shooting death of Encinitas Local, Clay Pardee is my choice of the most fairly written and accurate story.

Encinitas Locals-We have our own Social Networking Website

Encinitas Locals-We have our own Social Networking Website:

Memorial Service for Clay Randall Pardee at Saint Johns Encinitas

Memorial Service for Encinitas Local,Clay Randall Pardee will be held at Saint Johns Catholic Church off Encinitas Blvd., near Balour, Thursday September 23rd.

Who is Tomas J. Callazo, the killer who shot Encinitas Local, Clay Pardee?

Who is Tomas J. Callazo, the Killer of Encinitas Local, Clay Pardee? I wanna know! Where did he come from? Where is he now. We can't let some unknown outsider come into our community and murder one of our own, and just sit back and take it while the D.A. just lets him go!!! No consequences? The Encinitas community deserves to put him before a jury to be questioned and judged

Small men in uniform with big guns = formula for murder

Tomas J. Collazo, the rent-a-cop who killed Encinitas Local, Clay Randall Pardee weighs in at 123 pounds. He has no business being a security guard, let alone allowed to carry a gun, which he obviously needed to compensate for his lack of physical size. He clearly didn't have the confidence, due to his small size, to deal with Clay, the larger man. He got scared, but was too proud to back down or retreat. He had to stand his ground. If he truly wanted to retreat, he wouldn't have been backing up; he would have ran to call for help from a real cop. If he hadn't shot Clay, it would have been someone else sooner or later. This guy doesn't have the "right stuff" and I doubt if any government law enforcement agency would have ever allowed him to join their ranks.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Friends of Encinitas Local Clay Pardee, Shot Dead, Create Website.

Friends of Clay Randall Pardee, have created a website: Those those who feel moved, will be able to post comments and upload photos. There is also a forum created where everyone can discuss the tragic event and voice their opinions.

Another Victim. Girlfriend of Clay Randall Pardee.

Another victim emerges as a result of last weeks fatal shooting in Encinitas, by a security guard. Last night, Wednesday evening Sept 28th, I received a phone call from the son of Clay Pardee's "widowed" girlfriend, informing me that his Mother,Maggie Nicholes, had attempted suicide. He watched on helpless during this ordeal while his mother, locked inside a car, cut her wrist and arm numerous times. He told me, "There was blood everywhere", and that she had to be hospitalized. I'm a long time resident of Encinitas, my family coming to San Diego in 1910. I've developed a strong love and appreciation of my home town and those who have lived, grown up here, and contributed to the color and character of our community. I am outraged and deeply hurt by shooting of one of "our own". As your story by Sarah Gordon pointed out,Clay Pardee had deep roots here in our community, growing up in Rancho Santa Fe and Encinitas. Clay is a good example of an entire generation of "The Children of Encinitas", who can't afford to live in the town where they grew up. We should respect and understand people like Clay and his Girlfriend, Maggie (Who was an Employee of Vons on Santa Fe Dr. at the time of the shooting), who would rather be homeless in Encinitas, than move away to a town where they could afford to rent a home. I am putting out a call to all locals, the"True Encinitans" to come together and not let Clay and those he left behind, and who loved him, be forgotten.

You know how you can tell if your a "True Encinitas Local"? When harm is done to "One of our Own", you feel the pain! I for one can't and won't let this go. Kyle Thomas, San Dieguito Class of 1975

Encinitas Local, Clay Randall Pardee, Fatally Shot, Murdered by rent-a-cop, Tomas J. Callazo

Longtime Encinitas Local, Clay Randall Pardee, was Fatally Shot, Murdered by Armed Security Guard, Tomas J. Callazo, on September 11th, 2008 in Encinitas.

According to a statement given to me by Magie, his longtime girlfriend, and an employee of Vons on Santa Fe Dr. in Encinitas, they were doing laundry and eating pizza out back of the Jolly Green Giant, next to Mr Peabody's in the 100 block of Encinitas Blvd.

The new security guard who had not yet taken the time to meet and get to know Clay, who grew up in Rancho Santa Fe, and more recently was local Encinitas resident kept passing by and "vibing" the couple. Clay eventually became upset at the harassment and jumped out of the car in an attempt to confront the security guard and asked what he wanted and why he was harassing the couple. At one point Tomas Callazo, the 120 lb. rent-a-cop, drew his gun, aiming it at Clay who contrary to published reports which claimed Clay was 6'4", was in fact only 6'1". Maggie stated that Clay then asked the guard, "What, are you going to shoot me? Go ahead, shoot me" At this point Maggie ran for help, hoping to find a Sheriff to intervene.

For reasons still not explained, Tomas Callazo chose not to run and get help from the sheriffs, but chose to hold his ground with his gun drawn, and while backing up, shot Clay in the abdomen. Callazo claimed that his firearm accidentally discharged and that he didn't remembeer firing his weapon. Clay died at the scene within twenty minutes.

Encinitas Local, Clay Randall Pardee, Fatally Shot, Murdered by rent-a-cop, Tomas J. Callazo

Longtime Encinitas Local, Clay Randall Pardee, was Fatally Shot, Murdered by Armed Security Guard, Tomas J. Callazo, on September 11th, 2008 in Encinitas.

According to a statement given to me by Magie, his longtime girlfriend, and an employee of Vons on Santa Fe Dr. in Encinitas, they were doing laundry and eating pizza out back of the Jolly Green Giant, next to Mr Peabody's in the 100 block of Encinitas Blvd.

The new security guard who had not yet taken the time to meet and get to know Clay, who grew up in Rancho Santa Fe, and more recently was local Encinitas resident kept passing by and "vibing" the couple. Clay eventually became upset at the harassment and jumped out of the car in an attempt to confront the security guard and asked what he wanted and why he was harassing the couple. At one point Tomas Callazo, the 120 lb. rent-a-cop, drew his gun, aiming it at Clay who contrary to published reports which claimed Clay was 6'4", was in fact only 6'1". Maggie stated that Clay then asked the guard, "What, are you going to shoot me? Go ahead, shoot me" At this point Maggie ran for help, hoping to find a Sheriff to intervene.

For reasons still not explained, Tomas Callazo chose not to run and get help from the sheriffs, but chose to hold his ground with his gun drawn, and while backing up, shot Clay in the abdomen. Callazo claimed that his firearm accidentally discharged and that he didn't remembeer firing his weapon. Clay died at the scene within twenty minutes.

Encinitas Local, Clay Randall Pardee, Fatally Shot, Murdered by rent-a-cop, Tomas J. Callazo

Longtime Encinitas Local, Clay Randall Pardee, was Fatally Shot, Murdered by Armed Security Guard, Tomas J. Callazo, on September 11th, 2008 in Encinitas.

According to a statement given to me by Magie, his longtime girlfriend, and an employee of Vons on Santa Fe Dr. in Encinitas, they were doing laundry and eating pizza out back of the Jolly Green Giant, next to Mr Peabody's in the 100 block of Encinitas Blvd.

The new security guard who had not yet taken the time to meet and get to know Clay, who grew up in Rancho Santa Fe, and more recently was local Encinitas resident kept passing by and "vibing" the couple. Clay eventually became upset at the harassment and jumped out of the car in an attempt to confront the security guard and asked what he wanted and why he was harassing the couple. At one point Tomas Callazo, the 120 lb. rent-a-cop, drew his gun, aiming it at Clay who contrary to published reports which claimed Clay was 6'4", was in fact only 6'1". Maggie stated that Clay then asked the guard, "What, are you going to shoot me? Go ahead, shoot me" At this point Maggie ran for help, hoping to find a Sheriff to intervene.

For reasons still not explained, Tomas Callazo chose not to run and get help from the sheriffs, but chose to hold his ground with his gun drawn, and while backing up, shot Clay in the abdomen. Callazo claimed that his firearm accidentally discharged and that he didn't remembeer firing his weapon. Clay died at the scene within twenty minutes.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Encinitas Cab-Kyle's Cab 760-840-0655 Best Encinitas Taxi Cab in Encinitas

Encinitas Cab 760-840-0655 Best Local Encinitas Taxi Cab Service operated by Encinitas Local

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Encinitas Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Wizards Web Page & Web Site Designers' Amazing Results-Very Affordable!

Local Encinitas Web-Page & Web-Site Designers' Amazing Results bring First Page Google Indexing and Rankings to your web-site at half the cost of others offering web-page building services.

What good is your web-site if nobody can find your web-page with Google Key word searches?! Kyle Thomas discovered that he had uncanny natural ability to build web-sites in such a way that they were always coming up on Googles first and second pages when doing key word searches pertaining to the content of his web-pages.

Think about it. Where did you find what your reading now? First or second page on Google? Beating out how many other "professional" web designers? I'm the new kid on the block, hungry and eager to prove myself. If I can get my pages to rank, I can do it for you!

Visit my web site: for links to current websites designed for PureFunLongboards of Encinitas, PacificJewelers of Encinitas or, the Real Encinitas Wiki which is also a new fun site! Visit the>Encinitas> Kyle Thomas> page to view a list with links to some of my current website projects.

Kyle Thomas's web-site building, and Search Engine Optimization, (SEO) skills are now being offered at half the current market rate for a limited time to new clients.

Contact Kyle via his email at:

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Kyles's Cab is Best Local Encinitas Taxi Cab Service. Opperated by an Encinitas Local!

Kyle's Cab-760-840-0655, Visit Encinitas Taxi Cab Service by Kyle, 4th generation San Diegan and San Dieguito High School Class of 1975 graduate,"Old School Encinitas Local".

Monday, February 11, 2008

The Only Real Encinitas Wiki page edited by Encinitas Locals

Visit the Only Real Encinitas Wiki page edited by Encinitas Locals: This page is written 4LocalsByLocals. All Encinitas Locals are encouraged to visit this site and add their 2 cents worth!